Ticknevin NS
St Brigids School - Ticknevin NS St Brigids School - Ticknevin NS St Brigids School - Ticknevin NS


St Brigids School - Ticknevin NS
  St Brigids School - Ticknevin NS
  St Brigids School - Ticknevin NS
  St Brigids School - Ticknevin NS
  St Brigids School - Ticknevin NS
  St Brigids School - Ticknevin NS
  St Brigids School - Ticknevin NS
  St Brigids School - Ticknevin NS
  St Brigids School - Ticknevin NS
  St Brigids School - Ticknevin NS
St Brigids School - Ticknevin NS St Brigids School - Ticknevin NS St Brigids School - Ticknevin NS
St Brigids School - Ticknevin NS St Brigids School - Ticknevin NS St Brigids School - Ticknevin NS
Parent Association page School Calendar page School Policies Page Book Lists page


The school uniform consists of a combination of the following: 

  • Navy tracksuit bottoms,
  • Navy trousers.
  • Navy jumper.
  • Navy sweatshirt.
  • White shirt / polo shirt.
  • Navy pinafore.
  • School crest can be purchased at school.
Please ensure your child wears sensible shoes to school. Younger children should wear shoes that they can put on and take off themselves.

If your child is unable to tie laces, please allow them to wear velcro shoes/runners to school.

In cold weather, please ensure your child has a coat.

Label all items of clothing with your child's name.
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